Can a Locksmith Use a Lock to Create a New Key?

It happens more often than you realize – you need a new key for one of your locks, but you no longer have the original key.

Can a locksmith use a lock to create a new key? Absolutely.

In fact, there are two different methods that an experienced locksmith can use to achieve this. Just make sure that you are using a reputable locksmith with the necessary skills.

Method 1: Creating an Impression

By taking an impression of the lock, a locksmith can create a new key. The good news is that the lock doesn’t need to be dismantled to do this either. This is one of the most efficient ways to create a key using just the lock. To do this, a blank key is inserted and turned in the lock. As the pins press against the key, it leaves markings, allowing a locksmith to create a new key.

This process generally needs to be repeated several times for this to work, but you do end up with a perfect key copy.

Method 2: Crack the Lock Code

The second option is to disassemble the lock to crack the key code and create a copy. To do this, a locksmith needs knowledge of the pins inside the lock. These pins are different lengths and in a different order, which is why you can’t open all locks with the same key. Once a locksmith takes the lock apart, they know which code to use to provide you with a new key.

Whether you have lost the key to a lock or thrown it out by accident, The Lock and Security Corporation Miami can assist you with a copy using just the lock. Contact us on (305) 846-9360 for assistance –  we are available 24/7.

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