How to Protect Your Home During the Holiday Season

It is the holiday season! A time for adventures and family. A time to seek the sun near clear oceans and sandy beaches. Vacation time is an exciting time of the year. However, holiday season also means there are times when you leave your homes empty and vulnerable to theft.

It is essential to do everything you can to secure your home in and out before you drive away on your long-awaited holiday. 

Let the Right People Know

One of the things you can do before your holiday is let the local Miami police department know when you leave and when you will be returning. This is a really simple process revolving around some quick paperwork. It isn’t a guaranteed protection, but officers will randomly check your home while you are away.

Be Careful What You Post on Social Media

We love sharing holiday snaps on Facebook. It is fun and easy to do no matter where you are in the world. However, this poses a danger to your property. Unless you personally know all your friends on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media sites it is advisable to adjust your privacy settings for holiday snaps or refrain from posting them until you get home. 

What can be a fun post to one person can be an open house invitation to another.

Consider Your Mail During Holiday Season

A mailbox that is overflowing with post or parcels is a dead give away that no one is home. If you get  a lot of mail, consider pausing it until you return. You can book parcel deliveries for a later date so you are home to receive them. Alternatively, ask a neighbor to take care of any parcels or post you receive. 

Place Valuables in a Safe

While you can take steps to protect your home you can not 100% guarantee that it will not be a target while you are on holiday. So, if you are leaving valuables at home, make sure you have them in a secure location. 

A safe, with professional installation, is a good place to leave your valuables. There is a large variety of sizes and types available so you can find one that suits your needs. Your local locksmith will have more information for you. 

Remove Hidden Keys

Hidden keys are great for friends, family, even services. However, while you are on holiday it can be an unnecessary risk to leave them out. Remove the keys or hand them directly to anyone who needs them for the duration of your holiday to reduce the risk to your home. 

Get Smarter

Smart lights can turn on and off at random times to give the impression someone is home. Smart doorbells can let you know if someone is at your front door. Smart alarm systems can alert both you and the police if there is a breach to your property. Smart boxes, like Alexa, can be set to talk or play music at random times giving the impression that someone is home. 

Use Smart technology to your advantage while you are away. 

Hire Someone to Maintain Your Lawn During your Holiday

If your garden or pool is something that you maintain on a regular basis, have someone continue the maintenance. Humans are creatures of habit. If anyone is watching your home as a potential target they will notice if your garden and pool isn’t getting its maintenance. This is an instant flag that those living in the home are on holiday. 

Arrange for a Security Audit

A security audit can show all the security weaknesses in your home giving you the chance to secure the home before a holiday. Contact your local locksmith to arrange for this invaluable service. 

With years of experience behind us, the Security and Lock Corporation in Miami, knows how to provide the right materials to keep your home safe. Our in-depth and up to date knowledge will help you to make your home secure before a holiday. Contact us today or give us a call at (305) 846-9360 and we will provide you with the best home security services Miami offers. 

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