The Door Lock Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore 

Door locks provide a home with a lot of security. For the most part, they are sturdy and reliable. However, they can also be delicate. If a door lock has an issue, it does not want to be ignored. Ignoring the issue can cause more problems. 

Here are some common door lock issues that you do not want to ever ignore. We also have included some tips on the best way to fix the problem. 

Broken Key in Door Lock

This one really can’t be ignored. While there is a broken key in your lock you will not be able to lock or unlock your door. 

Unfortunately, while you cannot ignore this you can’t fix it in a matter of seconds either. This issue will slow down your day. While it sounds like a simple matter to remove the broken key from the lock, be careful. Attempts to do so could break your lock. 

If you have a broken key extractor to hand then the process becomes simpler. Without it though, you will probably need the experienced hands of a locksmith to handle this for you. A locksmith will also check your lock to ensure that there is no other damage that you need to be concerned about. 

Note: If you do use a broken key extractor to remove the broken key you cannot ignore the lock. Always get the lock checked for any damage that the breaking of the key might have caused. Failing to do so could cause you to end up with the same situation or worse problems down the line. 

Jammed Lock

It is difficult to ignore a lock that has been completely jammed. But, ignoring a lock that keeps jamming but still works is easier. People tend to find ways around it until they can unjam the lock no more. 

Do not ignore a jammed lock. 

The longer you ignore or find ways around a jammed lock, the more damage you could be making both to your lock and your doorframe. 

Door locks can jam due to a build up of debris on the locking mechanism. This can lead to breaking a key in your lock. It can also be caused by debris left behind if your key broke in the lock and the lock wasn’t checked afterward. 

The lock may also be jamming due to a broken bolt. This is something you will need fixing before the door jams completely. Replace the broken part of the bolt if possible, do not attempt to bend a bent bolt back into its original shape as it will only result in a door lock that is weakened, making your home vulnerable to a break in. 


Like with a jammed lock, it is easy for people to find workarounds for a misaligned lock. They may attempt to lift the door as they lock it, for instance. 

When a lock is misaligned, it normally means that the locking bolt is not lining up as it should with the strike plate. It could be that the door itself was not installed correctly, or it could mean that the door frame or door has warped over time.

The longer a misaligned lock is allowed to cause you issues locking your door, the worse the problem usually gets. Eventually, the extra pressure placed on the locking mechanism will cause it to weaken or break completely.

This could be a simple case of tightening some screws on the hinges of your door or moving the strike plate, so it aligns correctly. However, if you are unsure of how to fix the issue your resident locksmith should be able to help. 

Door Lock Cylinder Turns

If you try to lock your door and the whole lock cylinder turns, you have a problem. You now cannot lock or unlock your door. If your door is locked then you can rest at ease for a while, but if the cylinder turns when you are trying to lock the door, you have lost the means to secure your home. Definitely not a problem you want to ignore. 

Fortunately, the fix is easy. You need to tighten the set screw. However, this can be an issue for most people if they do not know how to access the set screw. It could be that you need to take the whole lock out of the door to access the right part. Alternatively, you may only need to remove the faceplate. When in doubt, a locksmith will know how to fix the issue. 

When you find the set screw you will need to ensure that it is not rusted or damaged, if it is you will need to replace it to prevent further issues with your door lock. 

If you need help with a lock that is not working correctly, contact The Security and Lock Corporation on (305) 846-9360.

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