What is Lock Bumping and How to Prevent It

A fair percentage of home break-ins aren’t due to forced entry. Many of them are due to lock tampering and cylinder locks are the main culprits.

Lock bumping is something every Miami homeowner should be aware of if they want to prevent unnecessary theft and damage.

This guide will tell you everything you need to know.

Lock Bumping Explained

You can basically bump a lock by aligning the pins of a cylinder lock. It might not sound like something just anyone could do but with the right tools and a little practice, criminals can gain access to your Miami home. ‘

In fact, you only really need a screwdriver to get it right.

With a few taps and a twist, a burglar can unlock a door.

And unfortunately, since cylinder locks are the most common, the majority of homes have them.

Preventing Lock Bumping

Here are some of the ways that you can prevent lock bumping.

  • Install Cameras. If an intruder doesn’t feel like they can get into your home without drawing attention, they will rarely attempt it. Installing security cameras in key areas around your property can help deter criminals.
  • Evaluate your property. Criminals prefer to hide, which is why it’s essential to keep your property clean and clear. Take a walk around your property and get rid of any shrubbery that might serve as a hiding spot. Adding motion sensor lighting also really helps.
  • Install an anti-lock bumping device. These are ideal if you have a limited budget. Basically, these devices prevent the thumb turn of a deadbolt from turning, keeping you protected against lock bumping. Unfortunately, this also means the key won’t unlock the door from the outside, which is why a commercial-grade lock is a better option.
  • Install high-security locks. These particular locks are resistant against lock bumping, but they do cost a little more. It’s for good reason though because they are also resistant against picking and drilling. As an added measure, once you install these locks, it means that key copies can’t be created without authorization.
  • Invest in security pins. Another way to make your locks harder to bump is to install security pins. What makes these pins secure is that they bind before they reach the lock’s shear line, making it harder to bump.
  • Add a keyless deadbolt lock. These locks have grown in popularity in recent years but make sure they are bump-proof prior to installation as many of the older models still have key cylinders.
  • Find out about neighborhood watch groups. The more eyes are on your property, the less likely it is that an intruder will get close to your front door. It’s also a good way to stay aware of criminal activity and trends in your area.

In Closing

Lock bumping doesn’t need to be a major concern because there are so many basic steps you can take to prevent it. If you require any guidance or product advice, contact The Security and Lock Corporation on (305) 846-9360.

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