What to Consider When Purchasing a Bathroom Door Lock

When it comes to security within your home, the bathroom door is not going to be the first lock that comes to mind. Yet, it is still an important lock if you do not want someone to walk in while you are indisposed. Saying that, you don’t need a bathroom lock that deadbolts either. 

Before choosing a bathroom lock you should carefully consider the needs of your household. Here are some things to keep in mind. 

Bathroom Door Lock Security

This is not a conversation about the type of security to keep out intruders. We are talking about guests walking in at the wrong time or children opening the door when you really don’t want them to. We are talking about the primitive security of having five minutes of peaceful private time as you do your business. 

Your bathroom lock needs to be solid so that it doesn’t give with a bit of pushing. Some cheaper latch locks are weak enough to open with a little extra force, these will not do if you need privacy. 

On the other end of the scale, you do not want a lock that is unbreakable either. 

Consider Emergencies

The thing about emergencies is that you don’t generally expect them. You can be with friends who have been whole and healthy for years, then hear the dreaded sound of someone collapsing in the bathroom. If you have purchased an almost unbreakable deadbolt lock for that bathroom, you are going to have a problem providing assistance to the person on the other side. 

This is why it is a good idea to consider locks that can be opened from the outside. 

Bathroom Door Lock that Opens from the Outside 

There are many locks made specifically for bathroom doors that can be altered from outside the bathroom. Sometimes they have little knobs, other times they require a key. 

Consider the needs of your family when looking at these options. Small children are clever. They may figure out the lock before they understand you don’t want them opening it every time. Some people are great pranksters and may relish the thought of opening a bathroom door when people are inside. 

If these are the issues you face, consider an option with a key that can be placed somewhere for safekeeping. 


Don’t stop at considering the outside of the lock. The most important part is how the lock works from inside a bathroom, especially if you have young ones. A lock that is too complicated can cause stress and upset for the person in the bathroom if they have trouble figuring out how to use it. 

If someone struggles with eyesight, a larger turning mechanism will help them to get in and out with less trouble. An indicator bolt comes with large handles for turning and would be the perfect option in this situation. 

Safety over Security

According to the New York Times, a third of all household accidents happen in the bathroom. If this happens in your home, do you have the means to access the room when it is locked from the inside?

When considering your bathroom lock, the safety of you, your household, and your guests should be higher than any security concerns. Having a way to access that room could make a difference if an accident ever occurs. 

If you need advice on choosing the correct bathroom lock for your home and family contact The Security and Lock Corporation on (305) 846-9360. The work of our residential locksmith specialists always provides the very best service and results in Miami. 

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