What You Need to Know About Making the Switch to Keyless Entry

what you need to know about making the switch to keyless entry

Keeping up with the modern day, you may have noticed that people around you are making the switch to keyless entry. It has become almost fashionable to attach this security upgrade to your home. For business, it is seen as a major security update.  Is it as good as it sounds?

Before you dive on the bandwagon it may help you to know more about it all before you make the switch to keyless entry. 

What Is Keyless Entry?

Keyless entry has been around for years. You have probably used it before with your car. It is an electronic lock that allows you to control entry to your home, business, or vehicle. 

In this modern age, you can gain entry to homes installed with keyless entry without the use of keys. This could be a system that runs on key cards and codes, codes alone, Bluetooth, or a mixture of the three. 

Businesses have also begun the switch to keyless entry because for the many security enhancements it can provide. 

Pros & Cons of Keyless Entry

Whether you are considering going keyless for a home or commercial property, there are many pros and cons to consider. Weigh your options carefully before you make the switch and consider the effects, both positive and negative, that it can have on your family or employees. 


Home Life

  • The obvious benefit of Keyless entry is that it removes the risks associated with lost keys and lockpicking tactics. 
  • Keyless entry can be controlled by your smartphone. 
  • You can immediately give a family member or friend access, or you can lock them out.
  • It is a simple to install attachment for your door. 


  • You have immediate control over access. If you are running on key cards, you can cancel the key card. If you are running on codes, it is quick and easy to change a code. 
  • The customization options on a key card mean that you can set a key to let one person in every room and set another key to let someone only in certain rooms. This is great for businesses as it allows all staff members to carry around one card or code instead of a bunch of keys.   
  • Going keyless means that the system can log who enters the building and who leaves. 
  • Simple Installation. It is easier than one might think to set up keyless entry. You only need a simple attachment on your door. 
  • Keyless systems can be connected to other security systems, controlling alarms and CCTV. 
  • The business is secure against lock picking. 


  • A power failure could cause you issues with gaining access to your building. 
  • The need to remember codes can be tricky for some.
  • While you no longer need to worry about someone picking the lock, your system could be hacked. 
  • If a system malfunctions, it could lock you out of your home or business.  
  • A keyless system can be expensive to install.

In Closing 

Keyless entry can increase the security in your home, but it can also cause you some issues. It is up to each individual to decide on what works best for them and their family. 

When it comes to business, however, going high tech is often encouraged because of the many practical benefits it can have for the company. With the added benefit of keyless systems being attached to security systems, it can massively increase the security of a business. 

If you wish to speak with a professional about Keyless entry options, contact The Security and Lock Corporation on (305) 846-9360. We specialize in keyless entry systems, CCTV, alarms, and more.

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