Why Won’t My Car Key Turn in the Ignition?

A car plays a vital role in our everyday life. We have come to rely on it and expect it to be working for us when we need it. Unfortunately, when problems arise, they can ruin your day. We have listed the common things that stop your car key from turning and how to fix it. 

Check Your Steering Wheel

The most common issue that prevents your car key from turning in the ignition is actually nothing to do with the key itself. Instead, it’s an issue caused by the steering wheel. Thankfully, it is an issue that is easily solved. 

If the steering wheels turn while the key is not in the ignition it can cause this problem. By turning the steering wheel, you may find that your key works once more. 

Inspect Your Car Key

The key may be worn out or taken damage. If you have a copy of your car key, use it. If the key is worn, it may work if you don’t put the key all the way in. Instead, pull it out a little and try again. 

If the key has taken damage and you do not have a copy, arm yourself with your key and your VIN number before asking your locksmith for assistance in creating and programming another key. 

Car Key Copy Issues

If you have recently bought a copy of your car key and it is not turning in the ignition, your key may have faulty or unfinished programming. Your locksmith can help you ensure that the key has the correct programming to make it work in your car. 

If the key has suddenly stopped working after working previously, check the battery of your car key fob. 

Miami’s Automotive Locksmiths

If in doubt, call your local locksmith and they will be able to help you get moving again as quickly as possible. 

The Security and Lock Corporation is here to help with all your locksmithing needs and can help you with your car keys. Our experienced and professional service is there to provide you with quick and efficient services throughout Miami.

You can find us at 2680 NE 2nd Ave, Midtown, MIAMI 33137. Alternatively, send word to The Security and Lock Corporation through our contact page or give us a call at (305) 846-9360 and a member of the team will be happy to help you. 

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