You Lost Your House Keys – Should You Change Your Locks?

That dreaded feeling of realizing you have lost your house keys is one that nobody wants to have to experience. Unfortunately, it happens more often than you would like to think.

Perhaps you left your house keys on a bar counter or in a taxi. Perhaps your purse got stolen and your house keys were in it. Does this mean you should change your locks?

If a complete stranger who has no idea who you are picked up your house keys, chances are you don’t need to change your locks. However, having house keys floating around is always a security risk, so for greater peace of mind, it’s best to change your locks.

Replacing your locks means your original set of keys will no longer work – a locksmith will leave you with a brand new set once the change has occurred. Changing locks does take a bit longer and it can be more costly, depending on the locks you decide on.

There is another option too – rekeying. This means your original locks will remain in place, but a locksmith will ensure that your old key no longer works in that lock. It is possible to rekey a lock yourself, but it will require some knowledge and a rekeying set. This is generally unnecessary when you can get a locksmith to assist you quickly and easily.

If you would prefer to change your locks completely, you might even consider upgrading to high security locks, which reduce the risk of picking and bumping. There is also the option of going digital, which means you won’t need keys at all going forward. If you need assistance with the replacement or rekeying of your locks,or want to chat about your upgrade options, contact The Security and Lock Corporation Miami on (305) 846-9360.

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